We're all innkeepers deciding if there's room for Jesus.

Jan 23, 2024

We all know that there wasn't really an innkeeper that night in Bethlehem. The town was chockfull of visitors come to town to register for a census. It was every home that was overflowing with relatives and reunions and frivolity.

There was no room for Jesus in that space.

And this Christmas, I wonder if we have room for Jesus. And not just in this yuletide, but in our lives all together.

Do we have room for Jesus when our homes are full of outsiders like career obsessions, sports obsessions, and individual pursuits?

Do we have room for Jesus when our hearts are full of envy and entitlement? Pride and covetousness?

Do we have room for Jesus when we're so focused on us that there's no room for him?

It's my prayer this Christmas that you kick some of these things out of your home and heart and life and make some extra room for Christ. I promise you, you'll never regret making room for him.

Praying for God's grace and peace in your life,

Scott Eastman,
Lead Pastor


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